Jacinta provides a comprehensive assessment of your child’s communication skills. Jacinta has extensive experience assessing and treating children with a broad range of communication delays and disorders.
For parents.
Learn how Jacinta can help your child thrive.
Information for parents
Comprehensive care and treatment
A referral from a professional or General Practitioner is not required. Jacinta will discuss Government funding options, eligibility for Medicare rebates, and Private Health Insurance available for your child with you.
Jacinta will discuss your child’s assessment results, your child’s need for intervention and recommended intervention plan with you.
In addition to your child’s assessment, Jacinta will discuss with you your concerns, your observations of your child’s strengths and weaknesses, and what communication skills and behaviour management will have a significant impact on daily routines. Jacinta has extensive experience in family-centred practice, particularly with families including children with developmental disorders or disabilities.
Jacinta works with your child’s General Practitioner, Paediatrician, staff and teachers at childcare and daycare, teachers at kindergartens and schools, family key workers, Occupational Therapist, Psychologist, Preschool Field Officer, and Early Intervention services.
Jacinta can liaise and/or visit your child’s childcare, kindergarten and school. Therapy sessions at your child’s kindergarten, childcare or school can be discussed with your child’s teachers/carers.
Every child’s Speech Pathology intervention is individualised to improve the child’s communication skills, meet the family’s needs, and support the child’s global development.
In addition to your child’s assessment, Jacinta will discuss with you your concerns, your observations of your child’s strengths and weaknesses, and what communication skills and behaviour management will have a significant impact on daily routines. Jacinta has extensive experience in family-centred practice, particularly with families including children with developmental disorders or disabilities.
Jacinta works with your child’s General Practitioner, Paediatrician, staff and teachers at childcare and daycare, teachers at kindergartens and schools, family key workers, Occupational Therapist, Psychologist, Preschool Field Officer, and Early Intervention services.
Jacinta can liaise and/or visit your child’s childcare, kindergarten and school. Therapy sessions at your child’s kindergarten, childcare or school can be discussed with your child’s teachers/carers.
Every child’s Speech Pathology intervention is individualised to improve the child’s communication skills, meet the family’s needs, and support the child’s global development.
Jacinta can help your child with...
Your child’s ability to produce speech sounds accurately. An example of a speech sound disorder is Childhood Apraxia of Speech.
Receptive Language
Your child’s ability to understand verbal language, including their ability to understand grammatical skills and sentences, as well as their ability to follow instructions accurately of increasing length and complexity.
Expressive Language
Your child’s use of verbal language, including their vocabulary, grammatical skills and sentences. This also refers to your child’s ability to tell stories, provide descriptions, and communicate verbal information accurately.
Phonological Awareness Skills
Your child’s early literacy skills, providing the foundation for their literacy development.
Literacy Skills
Your child’s development of reading, spelling and writing.
Auditory Processing Skills
Your child’s ability to organise and interpret verbal information. Auditory processing difficulties are not caused by difficulties in hearing. Auditory processing difficulties occur when a child presents with adequate hearing for speech and language development. An Audiologist’s assessment assesses your child’s hearing and diagnoses hearing loss or related disorders.
Pragmatic Skills
Your child’s ability to communicate accurately and efficiently during interactions with others. Commonly referred to as ‘conversational’ skills. Refers to your child’s ability to know what to say, how to say it, and the rules of interacting in social contexts.
Speech Fluency
Your child’s ability to produce speech fluently. Speech dysfluency is commonly referred to as ‘stuttering’.
Get in touch
Call or email Jacinta today.